PLANselect will help you pick the best value health plan option given your expected medical needs. The proprietary algorithm provides a personalized financial analysis and recommendation, considering both premium and expected out-of-pocket costs (copays, etc.), as well as other important plan features.
Step 1:
Access the Right Site for You
Step 2:
Answer 4 Questions
After accepting the user agreement, the model will walk you through four simple multiple-choice questions about your medical needs. You can finish in a couple of minutes, no research required.
Step 3:
Review Analysis and Recommendation
PLANselect provides a financial analysis that ranks the plans based on finding the highest value, providing the services you need for the lowest total cost.
Step 4:
Run as many scenarios as you like! Once you make a decision, you can proceed to your employer’s enrollment system to make your selection.
Let's Go!Research shows that about 50% of employees pick a health plan option that is more expensive overall than an alternative option. PLANselect was developed by a physician-led team and is based on credible normative data from 239 million consumers, advanced statistical analysis, and decades of medical and health insurance expertise. The algorithms have been validated by over 1 million users.
If you require any assistance with the tool, please contact us at info@planselect.net.